Wednesday Day 823 I Love Soup
What I Did Today I had plans today. I was going to fix breakfast, get dressed, and go for a walk. Then I was going to do some work on my jewelry project I started yesterday, and maybe catch up on a few...
View ArticleThursday Day 824 Still On Track
What I Did Today Almost nothing. I honestly sat on the couch, watched all the rest of the episodes of various TV shows I was behind on, and got caught up. Somewhere in there, I took the dogs outside,...
View ArticleFriday Day 825 188.4 Pounds!
Things I Did I had the wonderful “pleasure” of being woken up multiple times by Sashi this morning, as she panicked over what I can only assume was Lucy going outside without her. For the most part I...
View ArticleZucchini and Bacon Scramble
This was my breakfast today. A zucchini and bacon scramble. It was fast, easy, and delicious, and I will probably have it to eat again next Sunday, as we do bacon and eggs every Sunday. Its also...
View ArticleTuesday Day 829 Grocery Haul Time Again!
Super Exciting Awesome Stuff Monday nights we have pool league, and last night was our last night of the season. I had won exactly one game the whole thing, but last night, I won two games! I managed...
View ArticleThursday Day 866 Got My New Camera
I got my new camera this afternoon, and so far I love it. I spent half the afternoon alternating between taking pictures of the dogs doing absolutely nothing trying out the various modes, and taking...
View ArticleTuesday Day 885 Grocery Hauls and More
Once again, I haven’t posted in a week and I’m playing catch up. A few weeks ago, I was super good with my eating and avoided all processed carbs, white potatoes, and rice. While I had much less...
View ArticleTuesday Day TWELVE & Wednesday Day THIRTEEN
Tuesday started out with me waking up at 430am, and deciding to just stay up. I spent all morning making quilt squares and deciding which of the ones I’d already made I’d actually be using for my quilt...
View ArticleSunday Day SEVENTY-THREE Calibre Companion
So let’s see… The scale has been trending steadily downwards for the last 2 weeks. I’ve been really happy about that, and I’ve stayed almost totally on track for that time period. Friday night we went...
View ArticleMonday Day ONE HUNDRED & TWO
I found a new theme I am absolutely in love with. Its called Flat and its so simple and just gorgeous! I may be switching over other blogs to this theme as well. I haven’t been blogging but I have,...
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