What I Did Today
Almost nothing. I honestly sat on the couch, watched all the rest of the episodes of various TV shows I was behind on, and got caught up. Somewhere in there, I took the dogs outside, brushed them (which they really needed), and gave them cookies. Later on in the evening, I gave them their shots, and Sashi was a trooper and barely flinched. Lucy on the other hand yelped, jumped away from the needle, and I had to stick her again. They got cookies then too. They were a little groggy afterwards, but they got “special” food (canned food) with their dinner, so I think we made up for any discomfort.
Tomorrow I will probably walk up the Sheriff’s station and drop the used needles and syringes into the sharps box there, since I don’t have a sharps container here to dispose of them in.
What I Ate Today
Food today was pretty good, and I actually felt like I kind of indulged a bit today. I did go a little over my dailies, but overall, I’m still on track. Breakfast was a small sweet potato with a little butter (4 pts), and some lunch meat (2 pts). Lunch was cottage cheese with fruit (7 pts), and I had a cup of coffee (2 pts). Dinner was very similar to something I did a few days ago, with pork cut into bite-sized chunks with thyme, and then simmered in cream of celery soup, some milk, and lots of cut up celery (11 pts). Mattie’s I added rice to so it would hold him over longer. The cream of celery and the milk make it so creamy it really feels like I’m getting a treat, and the pork I used was so tender. After dinner I had another coffee (2 pts), which brought me up to 28 of 25 for the day. After adjusting for AP’s I’ve earned, I still have 21 of my weeklies left.
I’m really trying to break down my points between meals as 6/6/13, and of course remembering to eat regular meals. I’ve found while I love cottage cheese and fruit, its not really a fill-you-up kind of food, and I’m usually craving something else within an hour or two. Lunch meat, while more processed than I’d like, seems to actually hold me over better, and while scrambled eggs seem to disappear as soon as I’ve swallowed them, boiled eggs tide me over for a while.I definitely need to explore more possibilities with breakfast foods, and probably involve more vegetables in it as well. The sweet potato for breakfast thing might actually be a winner.
Next week, failing some catastrophic accident in gobbling all the foods in the house, I will be losing a point from my daily allowance, and will only be getting 24. Then I guess my breakdown in points for meals will be something like 6/5/13 instead. Whenever I get down near my goal, I will only be getting 22 a day, which seems crazy to me. Of course once I get there I’ll be able to add a few until I find the sweet spot for maintaining. I’m looking forward to tat part for sure!
I really feel like the changes I’m making to my diet are successful, and will work in the long term. Aside from adhering to the old Weight Watcher’s points program, I am also doing some carb cutting. I learned in the past cutting carbs to an extreme led to what seemed like constant starvation, and then binging, so I’m doing it a bit differently this time. I’ve basically broken the carbs down into two groups.
Carbs That Are In:
- Beans
- Sweet Potatoes
- Corn
- Carrots
- Limited Fruits
Carbs That Are Out:
- Rice
- Pasta
- White Potatoes
- Bread
Most of the carbs I’m allowing are high in fiber, and I feel that the benefit of that outweighs the carbs themselves. And by leaving some carbs in, I can feel more satisfied with what I’ve eaten rather than always feeling half starved and constantly looking for my next bite, which is what led to the binging when I tried this before.
Next Week
Sunday morning we always do a breakfast of bacon and eggs. I’m in the minority here, but while I like bacon, I don’t love it. Unless we’re talking about turkey bacon. I love turkey bacon. Anyway, I do really like bacon when its all mixed up with other flavors, and I have a recipe in my collection for a zucchini and bacon stir fry. I’m thinking of fixing it on Sunday, though it will be slightly modified unless I go to the store for a second zucchini. Its basically zucchini, onion, eggs, and bacon, and while it calls for butter, I think a bit of the bacon grease would work just as well. That would also give me my second new recipe I’d tried for the month, put me on track for my yearly goal.