Tuesday started out with me waking up at 430am, and deciding to just stay up. I spent all morning making quilt squares and deciding which of the ones I’d already made I’d actually be using for my quilt I will someday finish. I’m almost half done with making the black and blue squares. I’ve got 20 of the 48 I need finished. I think I actually might be able to get those ones done without having to buy more fabric and just using my scraps I already had. Anyway, once the black and blues are done, I’ll move on to the purples. I need a lot of purples. Anyway, yay for using up lots of scraps on this project!
I called Sallie Mae yesterday to find out why I still haven’t gotten a response to whether or not my application for income based payments was approved, since I put in the request over 2 months ago. I was told that the request would not be processed until after my current one ran out- if they try to get a payment out of me in the in between there are going to be getting an angry phone call. The girl I spoke to also told me that if I stay on income based payments for 25 years then my loan will be forgiven. Good grief! 25 years? Really? It will be paid off long before that- I’m paying off my last credit card now (yay! Its under $1000 now!) and then will pay off the loan.
Food was good Tuesday. I finished the day 104 calories over goal (Remember you can see my food diary here!) but I was under the limit for the number of carbs that MyFitnessPal has decided I should have. I’m calling it a good day when there is less then a 10% discrepancy between my actual intake and my goals.
Wednesday morning started with me waking up semi-early and going out to my craft room to work on quilt blocks. I finished 2 before quitting (they’re including in the numbers up there) and came in. I had my coffee, but somehow missed eating breakfast until lunchtime rolled around. I fixed lunch, and drank a bottle of water.
A little later I decided I really wanted a banana. I had bought 4 of them on Monday, but when I went to get one, all of my bananas were gone, and just Richard’s icky brown ones were left. He ate all my bananas! I went to the store with my last $5 because I needed tampons and was hoping to replace my bananas too. Nope. Apparently feminine hygiene products are expensive now (I had no clue, I rarely need them) and I couldn’t even get the brand I like. Definitely no bananas. Then when I tried to leave the store, my car wouldn’t start so I had to sit in the heat and wait ten minutes (for some reason it will start fine if I wait ten minutes) before I got to head home.
Richard came home a bit after that telling me how he fucked up while he was working and broke a pipe and I cut in with “Yeah and you ate all my bananas!” O.o Anyway, I eventually stole some change from Mattie and bought myself 5 more bananas and another pear for $1.50. Yay cheap fruit! I really, really wanted a banana today.
Food was good today, though I may have a small snack tonight as dinner was really light. I made spaghetti, but I used shoestrings of zucchini instead of pasta. I’d done this before but it turned out really watery, so this time I put the zucchini into a skillet on high heat and stirred it around a bit to dry it out some while I cooked the ground turkey that was going into it. When the meat was almost cooked, I dumped the sauce into the zucchini and let it simmer a bit to thicken up. Anyway, it was good, though not the same as actual spaghetti in any way. I’d definitely do it again though now that I know how not to have it watery and runny. Doh! Common sense for the win! LOL
Still no exercise today but I am blaming that time of month. I’m still off and on crampy (yesterday was awful and I took a nap plus went to bed early) and just feeling kind of blah. I just don’t feel like doing anything so far this week besides that bit of morning sewing I’ve been working on. Anyway, signing off for today. I’m going to go read for a while, and then feed the dogs their dinner since they are apparently going to starve to death any minute.