I got my new camera this afternoon, and so far I love it. I spent half the afternoon alternating between taking pictures of the dogs doing absolutely nothing trying out the various modes, and taking pics of some of my clothes I’d recently sewn and was unable to get good photos of. You can see the clothes I took pics of here at my sewing blog. I finally got up good pics of my prom party dress, my leopard pants, my square-necked button-down top, and Mattie’s black dress shirt, also made for the prom party, though I seem to be wearing it a lot lately.
I have no idea what Sashi is doing here, but Lucy looks really good. This was one of the random dog pics which turned out well, with Lucy standing at attention and Sash making weird ass faces over who knows what. I think maybe she was eating something, probably something that was not food. For those of you who don’t know, Sashi is what I like to call an eater, meaning if it fits in her face, she will ingest it, no matter what it is. I’m pretty sure if we had gravel in the yard, she’d have had to have a foreign body removal surgery by now.
The macro mode is nice too. This was taken in dim lighting in the house, using the flashy, which to me always gives an iffy result in close up photos. Oddly enough the focus is still really good and you can see the detail in the piece really well. This is the polymer clay pendent I made at Tracy’s a few weeks ago, by the way. Its balanced on top of my waterproof thumb drive, which is sitting on the arm of the couch. Looking at this one, I do wonder what the F-stop setting is at in macro mode- it looks like its at a pretty low number based on the really shallow depth of field- something my last camera was not good with at all. Anyway, good, clear detail, and I can’t wait to see the photos taken in macro mode in actual daylight.
Food was so-so today. On one hand it was good because I stayed away from the foods I am trying to avoid, but no so good because I went over my points at the end of the day by 6. Still, I am feeling confident about the scale tomorrow and I’m not worried. I tried so many variations of Weight Watchers Points and Points Plus programs, as well as several variations on calorie counting, and even a stint at extremely low carb eating only to eventually find out what I need to do is roughly stick to my Points allotment, and cut out the processed carbs as well as white potatoes. Doing that has given me consistent losses and by still allowing myself things like beans and sweet potatoes, I can satisfy my carb cravings, and take in lots of fiber while I do it. I’m also not denying myself the three Ritz crackers I steal from Mattie’s snacks about once a week and they’re a nice treat.
Since I’m not eating pasta, rice, or bread, I’m doubling up on the veggies with dinner, and I’m eating more fruit and a lot more eggs at other meals. Dinner tonight was actually a mess of eggs, with green onions, garlic, and sausage mixed into them. Really tasty, but unfortunately not as filling as I would have liked so I followed dinner with an apple. I’ve been eating a lot of apples lately, and earlier this afternoon drove to the store to pick up a few because I only had one left. Unfortunately, they didn’t have any Pink Lady apples at all, and I ended up with Fujis, which are like my third favorite type. They are also pretty cheap, which makes up for the fact that they don’t taste anywhere near as good as the Pink Ladies. Of course they had a huge mess of the Honeycrisp apples, but I think I’ve discussed my intense dislike of them here in the past. Also, they were over $3 a pound, and I bought like 3 pounds of apples. No way am I okay with spending what would have been almost $12 on apples.
Not much else to offer up tonight so signing off. Hopefully I’ll be popping back on tomorrow with something good to say about the scale’s reading.